To utility companies

A complete solution for handling the Winter Package.

Following the political agreement between the government and a broad majority of the parties in the Folketing of 23 September 2022 and the Folketing's legislation on the same of 29 September 2022, we have developed Debbie Freezing for electricity companies and district heating companies.
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Overall, the freezing scheme consists of four points:
Registration and deregistration for the scheme via the utility company.
Determination of amounts for possible freezing.
Collection of amounts for freezing, calculation of interest thereon, administration, reports, reporting to SKAT and statements to Erhvervsstyrelsen.
Settlement of frozen amount by full payment by 31/12-2024 or instalments over 48 months thereafter with the possibility of immediate repayment during the instalment period.
Debbie Freezing handles items 1, 3 and 4.

The utility billing system provides amounts for item 2 based on the adopted legislation for each utility area.
Debbie Unfreezing therefore has full integration with the billing system CUBS, which several electricity companies use, and Softværket, which provides solutions to virtually all Danish district heating companies.

Verification of registered and deregistered consumers is done in collaboration with e-Boks or via Debbie's integration with NemID and MitID.

If you want to know more about Debbie Unfreezing, please contact us here.
Did you know that...
Debbie Freezing verifies via e-Boks, NemID or MitID
You get a simple and clear administration module for customer support
More than 250,000 consumers can sign up to the freeze scheme via Debbie
Debbie Freezing is a complete solution to a known cost of operation without sudden, negative financial surprises.
The foundation of Debbie Freezing is Debbie's debt collection and recovery solution, which is in operation with a number of private companies, lawyers and professional debt collection companies (Debbie Dunning and Debbie Collect).
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We make sure you get started with Debbie quickly and take full advantage of your new digital resource in your customer service.